What is Anxiety ?
People with anxiety disorder are more likely to underestimate their ability to handle any situation and predict the outcome of the situation based on their past experiences.
Anxiety can be described as a feeling of uneasiness, fear or worry. Many of us experience anxiety at some point in our lives. It is a normal reaction to a perceived threat or stress. in case of excessive anxiety, a person can find it hard to overcome a stressful or threatening situation comprehensively. As a result they may freeze or begin to fear and avoid the situation.
Anxiety Causes
There is no single cause of anxiety; several factors may lead to the development of anxious thoughts and behaviour.
Genetic Factors:
Mauris posuere molestie nibhet molestie mauris dignissim vitaiam estaugue fringilla et fringilla isen egestas eget eraspendisse dapibus dapibusonec dignissim nuncinleo feugiat tristique.
Biological Factors:
Serauris posuere molestie nibhet molestie mauris dignissim vitaiam estaugue fringilla et fringilla egestas eget eraspendisse dapibus dapibusonec dignissim nuncinleo feugiate.
Anxiety Treatments
In blandit ut ligulased placerorem ipsum dolorsit amconsectetur adipisculla posuere.
Breathing Techniques
Crasermenm mauris nonelit hendrerit volutpat abitur stique metus elementum cursus aliquam nislpsum condimentum diame.
Relaxation Techniques
Crasermenm mauris nonelit hendrerit volutpat abitur stique metus elementum cursus aliquam nislpsum condimentum diame.